1. Create Maven Project First.
2. Open pom.xml file
We need below Properties and Dependencies for Cucumber Project :
Our Feature File would be Inside Resources and Code would be Inside Test pom.xml & src folder execute it self . If we want to see feature file data automatically would be there then need to install cucumber Eclipse plugin, this plugin is for identifying Jerkin syntax Create features Package Inside src/Test/resources by right clicking on it with Name feature then Create one file inside feature Package by right click on feature Package ->New->Others-> Search file in wizards, then Select File from General -> Click next-> Name file as MyFirstFeature.feature -> Finish. Lot of things Automatically came in inside feature file because we have installed that plugin. If we have not installed if we have not installed that plugin then simple blank file would be created. still we execute it from maven Single feature file can have multiple Scenarios Define definition of tag with team: @smoke @reg @module_specific We can execute feature file via cucumber command line. but we want to run it from maven runner file or from pom.xlm file. we will create runner file in src/test/java We want to customize things use @tag cucumber options, If feature file in a specific folder its step definition is also present in the source folder We package inside src/test/java name it cucumbertestsample.runner create Class inside it with name RunnerTest surefire will automatically pick it when there is name Test inside class name. package cucumbertestsample.runner; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions; import cucumber.api.junit.Cucumber; @RunWith(Cucumber.class) @CucumberOptions( features="classpath:feature", glue="stepdefs", plugin= {"pretty", "html:test-output/cucumberreport" } ) public class RunnerTest { } Create it & execute it by go to using runnerTest->Run As-> Junit Test It say I have tried executing all but I couldn't find any stepdefs file Scenario Outline: Is use for data driven feature execute for each set of step see this for it: @tag2 Scenario Outline: Title of your scenario outline Given I want to write a step with <name> When I check for the <value> in step Then I verify the <status> in step Examples: | name | value | status | | name1 | 5 | success | | name2 | 7 | Fail | Now will see it from cmd line: | ||||||||||||||
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