1. Tell me about yourself ?
1. All OOPS concepts and where it is used in your project ?
2. What is String ?
3. Difference between List and Array ?
4.Which is Super Class of all Java Classes ?
5. Can we create non static call non static methods in static methods ?
6. Can we call static method in non static methods ?
7. Difference between Collection and Collections ?
8. Array List and Array ?
8. Map and Hash Map ?
9. String Buffer ?
10. Interface and Abstraction ?
11. Exceptions in java ?
12. What exceptions you faced ?
13. How you handle Exceptions ?
1. annotations in TestNG ?
2. If you want to execute all Test cases how you will do it and ways to do it ?
3. what is glue in cucumber ?
4. what is use of j-unit ?
5. Waits in Selenium ?
6. What is Web-driver ?
7. What is Data-provider ?
8. how you implemented in your project ?
9. tell some syntax to access from xlsx file ?
10. what are in your util package in framework ?
11. how many ways to handle alert ?
12. What is Action ?
13. Suppose you want to Login in to application and do three task deposit amount, Withdraw amount and invest amount and then logout. What is your approach to write Scenario for it ?
14. What challenges you faced in your Automation Carrier ?
15. What is you Job in the Current Framework ?
16. What is CI ? you worked on it ?
17. how to work on you on you framework and do Jenkin execution ?
18. Who is reviewing you code and how ?
19. How can you make it to review your code ?
20. What is POI ?
21. What is use of maven surefire Plugin ?